Details of Services

Case Management

  • Exam coordination - Coordinate every aspect of the examination: confirm all intake forms are processed and ensure consultant has everything they need to provide the best experience for all parties involved.

  • Records - Review and sort all records according to your preference and eliminate duplicates.

  • Quality Assurance - Proofread and edit reports to ensure there are no typos, errors, or missing information.

  • Report Delivery - Ensure all copies of the final report and other documents are delivered on time to all necessary parties.

  • Billing - Create and send invoices, handle collections to ensure you get paid in a timely manner.

Calendar Management

  • ​Schedule exams, phone conferences, meetings, depositions and trial testimony.

  • Provide reminders for upcoming dates and events

  • Make travel arrangements when necessary

  • Other accommodations

Communication Management

  • Answer incoming calls on a dedicated scheduling line

  • Prioritize emails

  • Send follow-up messages

Practice Management

We can create your ideal Consulting Practice by taking care of all of your administrative and practice management tasks.These forms include but are not limited to:​

  • Letterhead

  • Intake Documents

  • Retainer Agreements

  • Fee Schedules

  • Curriculum Vitae Updates and Formatting

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